Stragies for the "Now"!
>> Friday, July 24, 2009
Good morning Vietnam! That’s what it feels like, now. Doesn’t it? “Every man for himself; us against the enemy”. It’s like war out here. We take a hill, they hijack our supplies. It’s a war of give and take, but there are some positive moves we can make to win the war.
Why can’t we just face the facts and realize that now is the time to buy while prices are down. We don’t like this economy right now, but we may grow to love it if it responds like the S&P 500 did after the October 1987 crash. I’m not saying we need to spend all of our free cash in the markets, but definitely enough that we can afford.
Buying the market at or near the bottom isn't the only option for those seeking to bolster their portfolios. Many variable annuity carriers offer dollar-cost averaging programs for new money, such as IRA rollovers.
I’m a big fan of hedging so use this time to search out investments with “floors” and “guarantees” like annuities from highly ranked Companies. Check your latest Moody’s or A.M. ratings. While hedging a certain portion of your portfolio, remember youth is priceless so if you can lock it in with a good “Life” policy now is the time while Insurance rates are at historic lows as well.
Remember folks. Believe in the “Matrix”, but understand that glitches will occur. Don’t let your heart out think your “right” mind. The markets are self correcting, but you don’t have to take your lumps like there are no options available. Take a look at your last strategic move. How did it work out for you? Not working? Look at your guaranteed options and factor the time since your last change. Where would you be now? Go ahead. Let me know what you find?